Gene 1 Gene 2 "Group/Family (/Subfamily)" "Distance apart (bp)" "Orient -ation" "Map location" "Family expanded in human?" Notes TEC TXK TK/Tec "1,527" Same 4p11 Y "4th best Blast neighbours, 62% identical" p38b p38g CMGC/MAPK/p38 "1,997" Same 22q13.33 N SgK069 SgK110 Other/NKF1 "3,376" Same 19q13.43 N NEK5 NEK3 Other/NEK "5,165" Same 13q14.3 Y "Almost closest blast neighbours (Nek1 gets in the way, each way)" TSSK2 TSSKps2 CAMK/TSSK "5,600" Same 22q11.21 N p38a p38d CMGC/MAPK/p38 "19,803" Same 6p21.1-3 N ALK4 ALK1 TKL/STKR/Type1 "28,980" Same 12q12-13 Y ALK2 ALK7 TKL/STKR/Type1 "107,656" Same 2q24.1 Y EphA8 EphB2 TK/Eph "109,040" Same 1p36 Y KIT PDGFRa TK/PDGFR "288,800" Opposite 4q11-12 Y FMS PDGFRb TK/PDGFR "348,733" Opposite 5q33.1-q35 Y KIT KDR TK/ "521,081" Same 4q11-12 Y "KDR is in a different subfamily to KIT, but the two subfamilies are closely related" EphB6 EphA1 TK/Eph "978,982" Opposite 7q36 Y MAP2K5 MAP2K1 STE/Ste7 "1,250,168" Opposite 15q22.33 Y "MAP2K1 only maps partly to BLAT, so distance may not be fully accurate" ALK4 MISR2 TKL/STKR "2,015,701" Opposite 12q13 Y "MISRI2 maps to 2 nearby locations, so distance may not be accurate" CDK2 CDK4 CMGC/CDK "3,204,997" Same 12q13-14 Y FYN FRK TK/Src "4,353,118" Same 6q22 Y MAP2K6 MAP2K7 STE/Ste7 "4,572,627" Opposite 19p13.3 Y EphA6 EphA3 TK/Eph "4,621,973" Same 3q11.1 Y Distance apart may be inaccurate MST4 MST3ps STE/Ste20/YSK "5,000,000" ? Xq26 Y/N SRC HCK TK/Src "5,273,333" Same 20q11.21-23 Y QIK QSK CAMK/CAMKL/QIK "5,540,777" Opposite 11q22.3-24 N MAP2K3 MAP2K4 STE/Ste7 "5,876,584" Same 17p11.1-13 Y Multiple nearby map positions on BLAT - distance may be a little inaccurate MAST3 MAST1 AGC/MAST "6,630,009" Same 19p13.1-2 Y LCK FGR TK/Src "6,645,675" ? 1p35.1-36.1 Y "BLAT has two nearby locations for FGR, opposite orientations" TGFbR2 ACTR2B TKL/STKR/Type2 "7,631,933" Same 2p21-24 Y EphA8 EphA2 TK/Eph "8,000,000" ? 1p36 Y "BLAT multiply maps A2, so distance may be a little inaccurate" JAK3 TYK2 TK/Jak "9,027,543" Same 19p13.11-13.3 Y MAP3K2 MAP3K8 STE/Ste11 "9,477,756" Same 2q21.1-3 Y NEK7 NEK2 Other/NEK "14,670,130" Opposite 1q31-32.3 Y EphA10 EphB2 TK/Eph "18,000,000" ? 1p34-36 Y "BLAT multiply maps A10, so distance may be a little inaccurate" IRAK4 IRAK3 TKL/IRAK "25,446,263" Same 12q11-13.3 Y NEK10 NEK4 Other/NEK "26,830,472" Same 3p13-21.33 ! Y Wee1 Wee1Bpsu1 Other/Wee "29,000,000" ? 11p13-15 N TLK2 TLK2ps2 Other/TLK "33,000,000" ? 17q23 N RSK2 RSK4 AGC/RSK/RSK "55,507,755" ? Xq21-p22.2 Y Crosses centromere NEK10 NEK11 Other/NEK "116,101,793" Opposite 3p21-q22.1 Y